sabato 10 gennaio 2009

Ettore Pozzoli

Ettore Pozzoli was born in Seregno on the 22nd July 1873.

In 1895, soon after he received his diploma from Milan Conservatory, he wrote "Allegro di concerto" for piano and orchestra, the oratorio “Jefte’s daughter”, a string quartet and “Theme and variations” for piano and orchestra .
There is in all these works a rich harmonic modulation which surpasses that which maybe found in the music of Wagner and Brahms and is more like Debussy.
In 1902 he married Gina Gambini, who had studied singing with maestro Leoni. At the same time he started to teach music theory and solfeggio at the Conservatory of Milan. He contributed to the magazine "Musica sacra" with a rich repertory of much appreciated passages.
Pozzoli was at his best when teaching, showing a mature creative energy and a serious and constant commitment to his work. His greatest contribution are his works on theory and solfeggio, his progressive difficulty course for piano and his teachings of harmony and counterpoint. Giancarlo Menotti and Giulio Confalonieri were among his favorite students.
In 1943 he went to live in Seregno where he continued to compose for piano, harmonium and accordion. He was awarded first prize at the Ricordi accordion competition for his “Theme and variations”.
In 1956 his “Danza fantastica” was chosen as the compulsory piece for competitors at the sixth world accordion contest in Danzica.

Pozzoli died in Seregno on the 9th November 1957.

Pieces for Piano

Impressioni Fascicolo I: 6 pezzi (127900)
Pagine minuscole 12 bozzetti (ER308)
Piccole scintille 15 pezzettini facili (129911)
Pinocchio Piccola suite (129061)
Riflessi del mare 3 pezzi caratteristici (121108)
Sonatina facile nello stile antico (129753)
5 Sonatine facili nello stile classico (ER2278)
Suono il pianoforte 19 piccoli pezzi (129754)
Studi a moto rapido (ER2188)
Studi di media difficoltà (ER83)
Studi sulle note ribattute (ER1847)

If these compositions are not available from music shops, candidates may request copies directly to BMG Ricordi s.p.a. Via Salomone 77 - 20138 Milano Italy.

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